--- Level 0 --- Level 0 ---

[13023] большой алмаз (large diamond), тип gem, доп. флаги sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 25000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Дракон Вечности (13007), room: Конец коридора (13099), Пик Драконов

[13027] слиток дюрания (piece of duranium), тип gem, доп. флаги glow sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 300, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Сильфийка (13011), room: Скитания по Пику Драконов (13080), Пик Драконов

[13024] рубин (red ruby), тип gem, доп. флаги sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 22000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Дух Дракона Времени (13003), room: Сокровищница (13078), Пик Драконов

[13029] черная жемчужина (black pearl), тип gem, доп. флаги glow sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 5000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Медный Дракон (13000), room: Логово Медного Дракона (13073), Пик Драконов

[13028] кусок нейтрония (piece of neutronium), тип gem, доп. флаги glow sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 500, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Сильф (13002), room: Скитания по Пику Драконов (13070), Пик Драконов

[13025] огненный кварц (flaming quartz), тип gem, доп. флаги glow sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 19000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Дух Ледяного Дракона (13004), room: Сокровищница (13050), Пик Драконов

[13030] голубая жемчужина (blue pearl), тип gem, доп. флаги glow sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 5000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Белый Дракон (13001), room: Логово Ледяного Дракона (13032), Пик Драконов

[5237] a lavender and green stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 150, level 0, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: the stone golem (5308), room: The south-east watchtower (5354), Old Thalos
Изменяет saves на -1, уровень 0.

[5243] a clear stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 100, level 0, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: the baby beholder (5300), room: The Temple of Thalos (5350), Old Thalos
Изменяет armor class на 3, уровень 0.

[5239] a dull grey stone, тип gem, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 10, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: the fanatic priest (5306), room: The guild house (5319), Old Thalos

[5029] голубой драгоценный камень ляпис, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 800, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow

[5028] сапфир, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 2000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow

[5027] блестящий алмаз, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 6000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow

[5026] гигантский рубин, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 5000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow

[5241] a pink and green stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 500, level 0, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: The lamia (5201), room: A back alley (5240), Thalos
Изменяет hit roll на -5, уровень 0.

[3373] небольшая жемчужина (pearl), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 1000, level 0, wear take hold, material pearl.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[3374] гранат (garnet), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 500, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[3375] изумруд (emerald), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 5000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[3376] рубин (ruby), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 6000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[3378] опал (opal), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 2000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[3379] бриллиант (diamond), тип gem, доп. флаги inventory sellextract.

Вес is 0, cost 10000, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: ювелир (3009), room: Ювелирный Магазин ( The Jeweller's Shop ) (3034), Midgaard

[607] a glass trinket, тип gem, доп. флаги inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 150, level 0, wear take hold, material nonset.

Carryed by: Madam Tracy (606), room: The Pawn Shop. (606), New Ofcol
Изменяет saves на -1, уровень 0.

--- Level 1 --- Level 1 ---

--- Level 2 --- Level 2 ---

--- Level 3 --- Level 3 ---

--- Level 4 --- Level 4 ---

--- Level 5 --- Level 5 ---

[5235] a pearly white stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 11, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: the stone golem (5308), room: The north-east watchtower (5348), Old Thalos
Изменяет hp на 1, уровень 5.

[5232] an incandescent blue stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 550, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: the stone golem (5308), room: The south-west watchtower (5347), Old Thalos
Изменяет wisdom на 1, уровень 5.

[5233] a deep red stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 550, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: the stone golem (5308), room: The north-west watchtower (5346), Old Thalos
Изменяет dexterity на 1, уровень 5.

[5231] a scarlet and blue stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 550, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

In object: the curved desk (5307), area Old Thalos
Изменяет intelligence на 1, уровень 5.

[5030] тигриный драгоценный камень, тип gem, доп. флаги bless.

Вес is 0, cost 550, level 5, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow
Изменяет dexterity на 1, уровень 5.

[5234] a pink stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 550, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: The lamia (5201), room: The private gardens and courtyard of Thalos (5234), Thalos
Изменяет constitution на 1, уровень 5.

[5230] a pale blue stone, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 550, level 5, wear take wearfloat, material nonset.

Carryed by: The lamia (5201), room: A Garden Path (5205), Thalos
Изменяет strength на 1, уровень 5.

--- Level 6 --- Level 6 ---

--- Level 7 --- Level 7 ---

[6511] Золотое кольцо гнома (golden ring), тип gem, доп. флаги magic inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 460, level 7, wear take finger, material nonset.

Carryed by: продавец (storekeeper) (6503), room: Магазин 'Шкуры и Зубы' (6516), Dwarven Kingdom
Изменяет hit roll на 1, уровень 7.

Изменяет damage roll на 1, уровень 7.

--- Level 8 --- Level 8 ---

--- Level 9 --- Level 9 ---

--- Level 10 --- Level 10 ---

--- Level 11 --- Level 11 ---

--- Level 12 --- Level 12 ---

--- Level 13 --- Level 13 ---

--- Level 14 --- Level 14 ---

--- Level 15 --- Level 15 ---

[5031] драгоценный камень красный глаз, тип gem, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 0, cost 2600, level 15, wear take hold, material nonset.

In object: железный сундук (5023), area Sands of Sorrow
Изменяет intelligence на 2, уровень 15.

--- Level 16 --- Level 16 ---

--- Level 17 --- Level 17 ---

--- Level 18 --- Level 18 ---

--- Level 19 --- Level 19 ---

--- Level 20 --- Level 20 ---

[9212] an elemental bracelet, тип gem, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 4, cost 580, level 20, wear take wrist, material nonset.

Carryed by: Caris (16025), room: The Gemstone (16245), UnderDark
Изменяет hp на 20, уровень 20.

[1386] a ward minor, тип gem, доп. флаги glow magic.

Вес is 5, cost 1440, level 20, wear take hold, material crystal.

Carryed by: мастер гильдии (1362), room: Комната света(The chamber of the white light) (1469), High Tower
Изменяет armor class на -5, уровень 20.

--- Level 21 --- Level 21 ---

--- Level 22 --- Level 22 ---

--- Level 23 --- Level 23 ---

--- Level 24 --- Level 24 ---

--- Level 25 --- Level 25 ---

--- Level 26 --- Level 26 ---

--- Level 27 --- Level 27 ---

--- Level 28 --- Level 28 ---

--- Level 29 --- Level 29 ---

--- Level 30 --- Level 30 ---

--- Level 31 --- Level 31 ---

--- Level 32 --- Level 32 ---

--- Level 33 --- Level 33 ---

--- Level 34 --- Level 34 ---

--- Level 35 --- Level 35 ---

--- Level 36 --- Level 36 ---

--- Level 37 --- Level 37 ---

--- Level 38 --- Level 38 ---

--- Level 39 --- Level 39 ---

--- Level 40 --- Level 40 ---

[1399] a ward major, тип gem, доп. флаги glow magic.

Вес is 6, cost 5100, level 40, wear take hold, material crystal.

Carryed by: Хозяйка (1364), room: Палата аудиенций (The audience chamber) (1477), High Tower
Изменяет saves на -2, уровень 40.

Изменяет armor class на -10, уровень 40.

--- Level 41 --- Level 41 ---

--- Level 42 --- Level 42 ---

--- Level 43 --- Level 43 ---

--- Level 44 --- Level 44 ---

--- Level 45 --- Level 45 ---

--- Level 46 --- Level 46 ---

--- Level 47 --- Level 47 ---

--- Level 48 --- Level 48 ---

--- Level 49 --- Level 49 ---

--- Level 50 --- Level 50 ---

--- Level 51 --- Level 51 ---

--- Level 52 --- Level 52 ---

--- Level 53 --- Level 53 ---

--- Level 54 --- Level 54 ---

--- Level 55 --- Level 55 ---

--- Level 56 --- Level 56 ---

--- Level 57 --- Level 57 ---

--- Level 58 --- Level 58 ---

--- Level 59 --- Level 59 ---

--- Level 60 --- Level 60 ---

--- Level 61 --- Level 61 ---

--- Level 62 --- Level 62 ---

--- Level 63 --- Level 63 ---

--- Level 64 --- Level 64 ---

--- Level 65 --- Level 65 ---

--- Level 66 --- Level 66 ---

--- Level 67 --- Level 67 ---

--- Level 68 --- Level 68 ---

--- Level 69 --- Level 69 ---

--- Level 70 --- Level 70 ---

--- Level 71 --- Level 71 ---

--- Level 72 --- Level 72 ---

--- Level 73 --- Level 73 ---

--- Level 74 --- Level 74 ---

--- Level 75 --- Level 75 ---

--- Level 76 --- Level 76 ---

--- Level 77 --- Level 77 ---

--- Level 78 --- Level 78 ---

--- Level 79 --- Level 79 ---

--- Level 80 --- Level 80 ---

--- Level 81 --- Level 81 ---

--- Level 82 --- Level 82 ---

--- Level 83 --- Level 83 ---

--- Level 84 --- Level 84 ---

--- Level 85 --- Level 85 ---

[14016] A pair of engraved balances, тип gem, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 1, cost 8000, level 85, wear take hold, material iron.

Carryed by: The black horseman (14012), room: The Euphrates (14090), Armageddon 

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