--- Level 0 --- Level 0 ---

[100] гроздь смурфовых ягод (a bunch of smurfberries), тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 2, cost 180, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a smurf (102), room: Смурфо-ягодная дорожка ( Smurfberry Patch ) (118), Smurfville
Заклинание 8 уровня  'change sex'.
[920] апельсин (orange), тип pill, доп. флаги inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 340, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: бакалейщик Юлий (915), room: Булочная (Bakery) (924), Театр Богов
Заклинание 24 уровня  'armor'.
[918] яблоко (apple), тип pill, доп. флаги inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 340, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: бакалейщик Юлий (915), room: Булочная (Bakery) (924), Театр Богов
Заклинание 24 уровня  'cure light'.
[5314] some purplish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 250, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druidess (5328), room: The croquet lawn (5374), Old Thalos
Заклинание 15 уровня  'change sex'.
[5316] some orangish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 150, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druidess (5328), room: The holy grove (5372), Old Thalos
Заклинание 5 уровня  'cure light'.
[8918] some orangish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 150, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druidess (8910), room: The greenhouse (8917), Holy Grove
Заклинание 5 уровня  'cure light'.
[8914] some purplish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 250, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druidess (8910), room: The red room (8914), Holy Grove
Заклинание 15 уровня  'change sex'.
[8917] some reddish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 250, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: an elder druidess (8903), room: The holy grove (8904), Holy Grove
Заклинание 15 уровня  'detect magic'.
[8915] some blackish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 178, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: The Hierophant (8901), room: The holy grove (8901), Holy Grove
Заклинание 5 уровня  'blindness'.
[6519] коробка противозачаточных таблеток (pills), тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 300, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: хранитель лабиринта (mazekeeper) (6516), room: Комната ХранителЯ лабиринта (6553), Dwarven Kingdom
Заклинание 20 уровня  'change sex'.
[9225] magic dust, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 300, level 0, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: an eddie (9225), room: Floating in Air (9255), Elemental Canyon
Заклинание 20 уровня  'detect invis'.
--- Level 1 --- Level 1 ---

[19036] an apple, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 1, wear take, material food.

In object: a grove of apple trees (19035), area Mirror of Realm
Заклинание 10 уровня  'refresh'.
[5313] some bluish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 270, level 1, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druid (5327), room: A clearing in the woods (5368), Old Thalos
Заклинание 15 уровня  'bless'.
[8913] some bluish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 270, level 1, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druid (8909), room: The hallway (8911), Holy Grove
Заклинание 15 уровня  'bless'.
--- Level 2 --- Level 2 ---

[19109] a few holly berries, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 2, wear take, material food.

In object: a holly tree (19108), area Mirror of Realm
Заклинание 10 уровня  'poison'.
--- Level 3 --- Level 3 ---

--- Level 4 --- Level 4 ---

--- Level 5 --- Level 5 ---

[267] a three-eyed root, тип pill, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 5, wear take, material nonset.

In room: The Dead Moors (292), area Emerald Forest
Заклинание 12 уровня  'detect good' 'detect magic'.
[266] a three-eyed root, тип pill, доп. флаги magic.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 5, wear take, material nonset.

In room: The Dead Moors (291), area Emerald Forest
Заклинание 12 уровня  'blindness' 'calm' 'bless'.
[5315] some grayish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 360, level 5, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druid (5327), room: The holy grove (5371), Old Thalos
Заклинание 5 уровня  'giant strength' 'poison'.
[8916] some grayish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 360, level 5, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: a druid (8909), room: The dining hall (8918), Holy Grove
Заклинание 5 уровня  'giant strength' 'poison'.
--- Level 6 --- Level 6 ---

[919] груша (pear), тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 530, level 6, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: воин (910), room: Топографическая Комната (The Planning Room) (938), Театр Богов
Заклинание 24 уровня  'cure poison'.
[921] киви (kiwi), тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 530, level 6, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: начинающий музыкант (911), room: Резиденция (Residence) (926), Театр Богов
Заклинание 24 уровня  'cure poison'.
[8919] some pinkish herbs, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 430, level 6, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: The Hierophant (8900), room: The sacred glade (8905), Holy Grove
Заклинание 5 уровня  'cure poison' 'poison'.
--- Level 7 --- Level 7 ---

--- Level 8 --- Level 8 ---

--- Level 9 --- Level 9 ---

--- Level 10 --- Level 10 ---

[19067] a poultice of detection, тип pill, доп. флаги inventory.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 10, wear take hold, material food.

Carryed by: a standard issue wizard (19024), room: The Sorcery (19070), Mirror of Realm
Заклинание 20 уровня  'detect invis' 'detect magic'.
--- Level 11 --- Level 11 ---

--- Level 12 --- Level 12 ---

--- Level 13 --- Level 13 ---

[8002] гланды, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 1000, level 13, wear take, material meat.

Carryed by: Эрни Рамирес (8009), room: Кафе Прыща ( Pustule Palace Cafe ) (8021), Mega City One
Заклинание 20 уровня  'cure poison' 'heal'.
--- Level 14 --- Level 14 ---

[10443] нейтрализующая таблетка (pill), тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 1520, level 14, wear take, material nonset.

Carryed by: главный инженер (10467), room: Офис Главного Инженера (Office of the Chief Engineer) (10540), Hell
Заклинание 54 уровня  'pass door' 'refresh'.
--- Level 15 --- Level 15 ---

[19017] a pill of mana and life restoration, тип pill, доп. флаги nodrop inventory.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 15, wear take, material silver.

Carryed by: a standard issue wizard (19035), room: The Sorcery (19112), Mirror of Realm
Заклинание 30 уровня  'heal' 'refresh' 'teleport'.
--- Level 16 --- Level 16 ---

--- Level 17 --- Level 17 ---

--- Level 18 --- Level 18 ---

--- Level 19 --- Level 19 ---

--- Level 20 --- Level 20 ---

[225] a blue-capped mushroom, тип pill, доп. флаги hum magic.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 20, wear take, material flesh.

In room: In the Emerald Forest (238), area Emerald Forest
Заклинание 20 уровня  'sleep'.
--- Level 21 --- Level 21 ---

--- Level 22 --- Level 22 ---

--- Level 23 --- Level 23 ---

--- Level 24 --- Level 24 ---

--- Level 25 --- Level 25 ---

[17034] a gizzard, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 0, cost 0, level 25, wear take, material food.

Carryed by: the terra-kan (17033), room: On the Flying Mountain (17087), Isles
Заклинание 35 уровня  'heal'.
--- Level 26 --- Level 26 ---

--- Level 27 --- Level 27 ---

--- Level 28 --- Level 28 ---

--- Level 29 --- Level 29 ---

--- Level 30 --- Level 30 ---

[222] the heart of a nymph, тип pill, доп. флаги glow hum magic.

Вес is 0, cost 100, level 30, wear take, material flesh.

In object: Altar of Sacrifice (221), area Emerald Forest
Заклинание 30 уровня  'cure serious'.
--- Level 31 --- Level 31 ---

--- Level 32 --- Level 32 ---

--- Level 33 --- Level 33 ---

--- Level 34 --- Level 34 ---

--- Level 35 --- Level 35 ---

--- Level 36 --- Level 36 ---

--- Level 37 --- Level 37 ---

--- Level 38 --- Level 38 ---

--- Level 39 --- Level 39 ---

--- Level 40 --- Level 40 ---

--- Level 41 --- Level 41 ---

--- Level 42 --- Level 42 ---

--- Level 43 --- Level 43 ---

--- Level 44 --- Level 44 ---

--- Level 45 --- Level 45 ---

[11645] a pellet of rabbit food, тип pill, доп. флаги none.

Вес is 1, cost 300, level 45, wear take, material food.

Carryed by: a white rabbit (11614), room: Hippo Fountain (11607), Divided Souls
Заклинание 55 уровня  'haste'.
--- Level 46 --- Level 46 ---

--- Level 47 --- Level 47 ---

--- Level 48 --- Level 48 ---

--- Level 49 --- Level 49 ---

--- Level 50 --- Level 50 ---

--- Level 51 --- Level 51 ---

--- Level 52 --- Level 52 ---

--- Level 53 --- Level 53 ---

--- Level 54 --- Level 54 ---

--- Level 55 --- Level 55 ---

[11899] загадочная пилюля, тип pill, доп. флаги hum inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 3000, level 55, wear take, material food.

Carryed by: странный старичок (11887), room: Hад землей (Outside of space) (11812), Drakyri Isle
Заклинание 65 уровня  'teleport' 'teleport' 'heal' 'invisibility'.
[11898] энергетическая пилюля, тип pill, доп. флаги hum inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 5000, level 55, wear take, material food.

Carryed by: странный старичок (11887), room: Hад землей (Outside of space) (11812), Drakyri Isle
Заклинание 65 уровня  'haste'.
[11836] пилюля цвета индиго, тип pill, доп. флаги inventory.

Вес is 1, cost 8500, level 55, wear take, material food.

Carryed by: странный старичок (11887), room: Hад землей (Outside of space) (11812), Drakyri Isle
Заклинание 65 уровня  'sanctuary' 'bless'. 

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