light a smooth qartz ball lvl-0
Mimic (Old Thalos)
stone lavender green lvl-0 saves
на -1 flags magic
Stone golem (Old Thalos)
the rainbow staff
lvl-5 wis+1 flags magic
wizard Elvin
stone blue incandescent' lvl-5 wis+1 flags magic
Stone golem (Old Thalos)
stone red deep
lvl-5 dex+1 flags magic
Stone golem (Old Thalos)
war banner
lvl-8 ac-2 saves-1 flags glow magic
Cityguard (Midgard)
*twinkling* ball of light lvl-15 dr+1 hr+1 int+1 wis+1
Faerie Queen(Faerie ring)
lvl-15 dr+1 mana+50 flags glow magic
Melidus (Underdark)
small hot ball of fire lvl-20 hp+10 moves+20
Dilan Area
a blood candle
lvl-20 dr+1 hr+1 flags glow magic anti-good
Spriggan (Emerald Forest)
Sceptre of Might
lvl-22 hr+2 dr+2
Cepheus the King
Flaming Skull
lvl-48 dr+2 hr+2 int+2 mana+25 hp+25 con-2 flags glow magic
Inquisitor (Lich tower)
Святой Знак (holy Symbol) lvl-48 con+3 flags glow anti-evil
Xantharus (Ghost)
lvl-51 dr+4 hp+35 dex+3
Silent Stalker (Divided Souls)
candle свеча
lvl-51 dr+30 hp-100 age+100 flags pass-dood evil invis magic anti-good
ПотерЯннаЯ душа (lost soul) (Olymp)
eye of nightmare
lvl-66 dr+6 hr+2 str+4 hp+50 flags glow evil
Nightmare (Divided Souls)
ice candle
lvl-75 dr+7 hr+4 int+4 flags glow invis
The White Ninja (Divided Souls)
tongues flame
lvl-79 dr+25 hp+400 age+100 evil invis magic anti-evil no_locate burn_proof.
invisible flame
lvl-80 dr+7 mana+80 dex+3
Jaena (Drakyri Isle)
Flame of Darkness
lvl-85 dr+7 hr+4 hp+75 mana+75 (AntiGood)
Dierek (DividedSouls)
an idea
lvl-86 dr+6 hr+5 mana+90 int+3
Xyrist (Divide Souls)
magic flame
lvl-87 dr+5 mana+115
Lechandre (Drakyri Isle)
hr+12 hp+275 mana+275 sex+2 con+2 wis+2
int+2 dex+2 str+2 (Anti-Evil) (Anti-Good)
Mediator (Drakyri Isle)
Brilliant Flame
lvl-94 dr+10 hr+14 hp+200 mana+200 flags evil invis anti-evil
Disciple (Dark Castle)